Rent Control: There is no rent control in Baltimore City or Baltimore County. Rents and rent increases are established by mutual agreement between the landlord and tenant.
Trash, Fire and other fees: Some areas of Baltimore City have a Special Benefits District Surcharge on the real property tax in which all property owners in the designated areas pay an additional fee that is collected by the City and paid to a quasi-government agency that provides services within the Special Benefits District. The quasi-government agency is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Neither Baltimore City nor Baltimore County charges surcharges or fees for fire service or trash removal services. Baltimore City picks up trash and recycling from some small multi-unit buildings with larger apartment buildings being required to hire private trash haulers.
This state-wide program is administered by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). Compliance with this program applies to all residential rental properties that were originally constructed before 1978, even if they were totally renovated after 1978. There is a presumption that properties built after 1978, when lead-based paint was banned nationwide, are lead-free. There are 3 categories of properties built before 1978:
Because lead paint lawsuits can be filed up until a child reaches the age of 21, it is suggested that Lead Poisoning Prevention Program forms, along with lease forms and repair records be kept for 21 years.
Baltimore City Registration, Inspection, and License Requirements
1. Registration.
Baltimore City requires that every residential building that is not owner-occupied, even if it is vacant and not offered for rent, be registered with the Baltimore Housing Department. Units must be registered, and fees paid on or before December 31 each year. All registrations and payments must be done online using the City’s new Registration Portal. The City no longer accepts paper registration forms or payments at the counter.
Fees: $30 per unit for single-family houses and two-unit apartment properties. $35 per unit for multi-family properties (3 or more apartments or mixed-use properties with 2 or more residential rental units). The fee for a vacant property is $100.
2. Inspection.
All prior violation notices need to be corrected and abate and housing units must be inspected by an independent Licensed Maryland Home Inspector who is also registered by Baltimore Housing to do City rental license inspections. If all 12 pass-fail items on the Inspection Checklist pass, the property owner is issued a passing inspection. There are 5 additional criteria which the inspector determines that the property passes, or, if the issue is questionable, the matter is referred to the Housing Department for further determination. A referral does not hold up the issuance of a passing report or the issuance of a license. Multifamily properties have an additional 9-point Multifamily checklist that must pass before a license is issued. Buildings with 10 or fewer units must have all units inspected. Buildings with more than 10 units need have only a portion of the apartments inspected in accordance with this chart:
SECTION 8 HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER or USE AND OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE: Instead of a rental inspection by a third party home inspector, properties that have been recently renovated for which a new Use and Occupancy Certificate have been issued may use this U&O Certificate. Landlords renting to Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher tenants, or similar subsidy programs that are subject to City HQS (HUD’s Housing Quality Standards) inspections may use the HQS inspection certificate instead of a third-party home inspection.
TIME FRAME: The initial inspection is valid for two (2) years. The next inspection is valid for 1, 2, or 3 years depending upon the landlord’s response time for any violation notices issued by the City in the most recent 24 month period. If the landlord corrects all violation notices within 60 days or receives no violation notices, subsequent rental property inspections are good for 3 years. If the landlord takes 61-90 days to correct a violation, the next license is good for only 2 years. If the landlord takes more than 90 days to correct a violation, the next license is (a) only valid for 1 year and (b) the landlord must pay an additional $15 per unit per year registration fee. This additional fee is to benefit the City’s affordable housing trust fund.
POSTING: The landlord must post the rental license in a conspicuous place within each rental unit and the landlord must post a Sanitation Guide within each rental unit and in any communal trash area within the building.
Baltimore County’s program applies only to buildings with 6 or fewer dwelling units. The registration fee for owner-occupied with one or two tenants is $48 per unit. The fee is $60 per unit for owner-occupied buildings with three or more tenants or non owner-occupied buildings. Owners may register online using Baltimore County’s On-Line Registration Portal or owners may submit paper forms and payment by check.
Registration, payment of fees, and inspection is required once every three years.
Inspections are performed by Home Inspectors licensed by the State of Maryland. Inspectors check for compliance with 7 items on the Baltimore County Rental Inspection Checklist. The inspector also completes a Carbon Monoxide Alarm Verification form.
Unless and until there is a written Buyer-Broker Agency Agreement signed with a prospective Buyer, then Ben Frederick Realty, Inc., Ben Frederick Realty, Inc. represents the Seller. Please click here to download the Maryland Real Estate Commission form “Understanding Whom Real Estate Agents Represent”.
Owning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.
Suze Orman