Before you purchase a property, check to find out if it is located in a Flood Zone, or Floodplain. Most lenders require a property owner to purchase Flood Insurance if a property is located in a Floodplain.
Most everyone knows that coastal properties are subject to flooding and wind damage from hurricanes. Properties located within riverine watersheds are also subject to flood events. To find out more about flood-prone area maps, please reach out to the City of Baltimore Department of Planning at 410-396-7526.
If you are considering purchasing a property, it is a good idea to verify its flood hazard status before you commit to buy.
What You Need to Know About Flood Zones and Floodplains in Baltimore
To find out if a Baltimore City property is located in a Floodplain, click on this link ( Under the “Find” button, select “Flood Plain”. Under the “Thematic Overlay” button, select “Floodplain and Contours”. Then go to the “Find Address or Place” Bar and type in the property address. The map shows areas that are in the Floodplain with various shades of purple.
Click here to download the Baltimore City Flood Hazard Information Sheet.
In other areas of the State of Maryland, click on this link: and type the address in the “Find Address or Place” bar and click the magnifying glass. Once located, you can click the button at the bottom of the page “Print Map” to print a color coded map of the property.
Floodplain Regulations
Most jurisdictions regulate construction and development in the floodplain to ensure that buildings are protected from flood damage. Filling and similar projects are prohibited in certain areas. Houses substantially damaged by fire, flood, or any other cause must be elevated to or above the regulatory flood level when they are repaired.
Flood Protection
A building can be protected from most flood hazards, sometimes at a relatively low cost. New buildings and additions can be elevated above flood levels. Existing buildings can be protected from shallow floodwaters by regrading, berms, or floodwalls. There are additional retrofitting techniques that can help protect a building from surface or subsurface water.