Currently, the world is experiencing a health pandemic that is upsetting businesses, employment, and public health. For Baltimore locals, the team at Ben Frederick believes it is important to create an all-in-one resource package to help guide residents and businesses across the Baltimore area. We hope you will find this resource package helpful, and that it will keep you and your family informed. Below are Covid-19 Resources for Baltimore residents and Marylanders across the state.
Maryland Department of Labor: Information for those unemployed, furloughed or laid-off, including a link to apply for unemployment insurance benefits, and answers to other common questions. The Maryland government has recently expanded qualifications for who can seek unemployment benefits to help cover more workers during the crisis.
Baltimore City Asset Map: Shows locations of food distribution sites for youth and seniors, as well as grocery stores with special services for seniors, and primary care clinics for the uninsured.
211: The United Way 211 Maryland Helpline can connect those in need to resources like food access, utilities, etc. Just dial 211.
MD Department of Aging’s Senior Call Check Program: Seniors can use the Senior Call Check program as a resource for information about health and safety concerning the COVID-19 global pandemic, among other things. Senior Call Check phone lines are open M-F 8am-5pm and Sat 9am-3pm. During these hours, seniors can call toll-free 1-866-50-CHECK or register online any time
John Hopkins: Provides scientific and fact-based information from scientists, doctors, and public health experts on all aspects of the virus. They also supply tips on how to stay safe, a map showing where cases are reported, and a daily podcast with helpful information without hype or sensationalism. With misinformation a common issue during this pandemic, it is imperative to rely on health professionals for insight.
Maryland State Department of Health: Provides a daily count of cases statewide, public health announcements, FAQs, and information on symptoms and how to obtain testing if you believe you have the coronavirus.
Baltimore City Department of Health: Provides Covid-19 resources for Baltimore and information on city regulations and operations.
Centers for Disease Control: provides information on the Federal Government response, as well as safety recommendations and testing information.
Maryland Small Business: This website provides links and resources for small business loans, best-practices for small businesses, and connections to the Maryland Department of Labor and Department of Commerce.
Rent and Housing Info: If a resident is not able to pay rent due to the effects of the COVID-19 crisis, the resident is advised to communicate with the housing provider and provide documentation of a job loss, loss of income, reduced work hours, etc. It is important to have this conversation early, don’t wait until you are already behind on your rent. Residents are encouraged to promptly apply for unemployment insurance (which was recently expanded by the state) and take advantage of food distribution resources to help through this crisis. While some businesses, such as hospitality are suffering, others are raising wages, hiring, and in desperate need of workers, including logistics, grocery stores, and health care.
In Baltimore City, landlords cannot increase rent on existing tenants until 90 days AFTER the Governor lifts his Emergency Order. Landlord cannot charge late fees on rent until 90 days after the Emergency Order is lifted.
Baltimore City is offering Rent Assistance for Tenants who cannot pay rent due to loss of income due to COVID-19 Shut-downs. Limitations apply. Applications must be submitted July 1 to July 10, 2020. Click here for program guidelines and application.
Call 211 for additional assistance, and consider contacting eviction prevention or rent assistance programs, as well as Baltimore City’s Rental Assistance Program.